Sunday, 28 August 2011

Comments on my Health

Comments on my Health

(I’m just home from my Heart Specialist and he is very pleased. Both my Diabetes and my CCF appear to be well in hand, so I don’t have to see him for six months,  Everything is AOK.)

Red Bingham asked about my health on the facebook page that I seldom look at.  I’m a lazy correspondent!  But as some people know I am suffering from CCF (Congestive Coronary Failure) being a very common complaint that is going to catch up with a lot of us in the end – statistically speaking.  I also have Diabetes,  Hypertension, and arthritis in the spine and disintegrating discs, so I ride around on an electric mobility scooter.

During May/June (2011) I suffered 3 exacerbations (what I call episodes) of the CCF, the last of which was complicated by a touch of Pneumonia following my trip to Canberra for the Aboriginal Embassy Symposium. While in Canberra the temperature on one day rose as high a four degrees at .

I take so many pills I rattle, and have two types of insulin.  If my blood sugars go very high I suffer great pangs of thirst, which makes life very difficult because I am on very rigid restrictions of my  fluids intake. Soups, stews, most desserts and all fruits (fresh or canned) are classed as fluids. During most of the past winter you could have found me sucking on ice (Brrr) while trying to balance blood sugars and fluids.

My best friend is my bathroom scales.  I usually weigh myself twice a day to watch for fluid retention, the first warning of another CCF episode.

Well you know what they say “ Life is a terminal condition that no-one seems to survive”. But I do object to drowning in one’s own juices. I tell the family that I’m not going  anywhere soon, as I am waiting for an elephant to fall on me from a great height.

Recently some very large bill-boards have had a new advertisement put up featuring the picture of an elephant sitting on some person. Just two legs stick out from underneath the animal. These hoardings tend to be placed on the roofs of four or five story buildings. Now I have to stay indoors on windy days!

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